
Los Angeles, California
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Schentell grew up running around her grandmother’s massive rose garden and in the hills of northern Vermont. Plants and the patterns they create have been her life-long fascination, and as a child she could be found weaving leaves and vines into wall-hangings, making elaborate flower crowns, and stealing roses from the neighbor’s gardens. Love can carry children into strange gardens, and this love of plants and creating beautiful things carried a teenage Schentell to a job in floral design at the local grocery store, and then across the country to the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. There she studied Interior Architecture and Design graduating in 2012. Schentell worked in florals and played with interiors for some time before turning her hands to very different media and teaching herself to work with metals. She created NÜN in 2014, and began producing jewelry influenced by natural forms. Metal, however fulfilling, never had the allure that plants and flowers have always had, and in 2016 she was wholeheartedly overjoyed to return to florals. Schentell aims to be a light creating innovative floral designs that bring love and joy into our homes and celebrations. Flowers have held space in our lives’ most precious moments for all of human history, and they are one of the most ancient forms of celebrated beauty. Schentell hopes to honor this heritage through her work, and bring awareness to the many ways in which our lives have been enriched through our relationships with plants. Schentell is currently located in California, and available for events, installations, weekly house and corporate accounts, and editorial styling.
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