Wedding 101

5 Major Wedding Regrets and How to Steer Clear of Them

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The truth is that your wedding will kinda go by in a flash. All that dreaming, and planning, and vision board making comes down to a mere eight or so hours of actual time to enjoy the fruits of your labor! To make the most of the time you have, heed these common regrets brides and grooms have when it comes to their wedding days so you can avoid them when it's your turn to walk down the aisle.

Top 5 Wedding Regrets

1. Not inviting someone you were on the fence about. 
Unless you had a major falling out with this person, he/she wronged your family in some way, or there's another drama-filled or traumatic reason you don't want him/her there…just send the invite. More than likely you won't regret extending the invitation, but you might regret not including this person later down the road.
2. Worrying about minor details the week of. 
Be sure to give yourself necessary time to rest and relax in the days leading up to the big day. Otherwise, you will show up to your wedding stressed and tired. In the end, it's the memories you have of the day and the emotions you feel on that day that matter most. If you're too exhausted to fully enjoy your big day, you will undoubtedly regret it.  
3. Focusing too much on the day-of timeline. 
While it's important to stick to your schedule, you're allowed to run a little behind, especially if that means spending some extra time to relax with your girls or getting some special moments with your parents. Years from now, it won't matter if you showed up to your wedding 15 minutes late.
4. Just winging it for your thank you speech. 
Even if you think you know exactly what you want to say, write it down. You don't want to regret not giving gratitude to someone you meant to mention or awkwardly flubbing your way through your speech because you're overwhelmed by the magnitude of the day.
5. Not taking the time to get a photo with a special person. 
Aside from your memories, photos are probably the biggest thing you'll take away from your wedding day. Even if you think it's inconvenient or you're worried about the schedule or you don't want to bug your photographer with additional requests, get every photo you want. It's your day and you'll wish you had those moments after it's over! 
Natasha Burton
About The Author
Writer living in Santa Barbara, CA.
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