Wedding 101

Why a Pre-Wedding Workout Plan is a Great Idea—And NOT Because You Should Lose Weight

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The period before your wedding is an ideal time for a lot of things, like bonding together as a couple, testing out your event planning skills, and allowing your loved ones to celebrate you. Apparently, it's also for losing weight, if the popular, yet troubling, pre-nuptial phrase "shedding for the wedding," is any indication.
While you may see a number of articles outlining the best workouts for making your arms skinnier or the foods to avoid before the big day (so you don't, you know, look bloated), these paint exercising before you wedding as something you "should" do in order to fit an idealized bridal mold. In fact, sweating it out before you walk down the aisle is indeed a positive thing—but its benefits don't have anything to do with your weight.
Here are three key reasons to get moving that go beyond how you look on your big day. You'll experience the benefits now and for many, many years to come.
 It helps you relax and de-stress amid wedding planning. We all know (from the movie Legally Blonde, natch) that working out gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy. When you're planning a large-scale event that packs an emotional punch—and a whole lot of pressure—you will certainly need an outlet for de-stressing. Taking yoga classes, hiking, or just lifting weights habitually—whatever you like doing—will help you manage any anxiety or worries about the big day, giving your body and mind a much-needed break. 
It's a good excuse to start a healthy habit. We all also know that moving around is good for us. But given that many of us work office jobs that keep us chained to our desks for a good chunk of our waking life, we don't have a lot of opportunity to be active throughout the day. This, obviously, isn't great for our bodies and, over time, not getting our heart rates up regularly can lead to some scary conditions like heart disease. (Yikes.) Use your wedding as an opportunity to jumpstart healthy habits, whether that's just exercising a couple times a week, or also eating healthier, too. Having an amazing "deadline" in sight will allow you the momentum you need to start—and stick with—your goals. And, hopefully, these goals will become lasting habits so that whole "until death do us part" thing happens as far from now as possible.
 It can be a bonding experience for you and your partner. Get your partner on board with working out and create a healthy habit together. You might actually discover new active hobbies together, like paddle boarding or rock climbing, which you can continue to enjoy throughout your lives. Experiencing new things with your partner is actually an amazing booster for your bond, so don't be shy about break out of your comfort zone, if you're feeling adventurous. You might even get into an exercise routine before the wedding to inspire a sibling, friend or parent who's always wanted to make a lifestyle change, creating a bonding experience for you two as well. By holding each other accountable, you can take a journey toward healthy living together. 
Natasha Burton
About The Author
Writer living in Santa Barbara, CA.
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