Wedding 101

10 Emoji Combinations Every Couple Has Sent

If you're in a relationship, you probably use emojis more than you'd like to admit. From over-the-moon love proclamations to strings of mysterious icons intended to communicate a brilliant idea, we think these little images are a pretty hilarious and an effective way of expressing our emotions.
Here are ten emoji combinations we know you've sent your significant other. 

The oh crap symbol.

You and your partner send this string of characters when you've forgotten to do something or you've screwed up in some way. Expect number seven immediately following this text.

The emoji that's trying to be seductive but kind of failing.

Since these icons are totally non-sexual, you've got to get creative when trying to insinuate some alone time with your S.O. (wink, wink). This is your best attempt.

The only face that can express how much you love your partner.

All of the kisses and heart-shaped eyes!

The thank goodness you did something right set.

Praise! Your partner did something good and you will absolutely applaud him or her using a string of congratulatory faces.

The emojis that imply you're totally down to Netflix and chill.

It is the favored date night of the modern generation, right?

The punny and adorable combination that nobody really understands.

Once in a while, you'll try to be clever and send a string of symbols (which you think are hilarious, BTW) that nobody truly gets. This pair might need a little explanation.

The please forgive me plea.

Why apologize with flowers and candy when you could apologize with a digital version instead? This collection of "I'm sorry" emoticons are used for lighthearted apologies only.

The sleepover set.

Why is there no cuddle emoji?! You'll get these images when your bae wants to have a over night hang with you, breakfast included!

The subtle hint that it's time for your partner to propose.

The engagement ring picture is coming eventually, just wait for it...

The sweet and well-thought-out emoji proclamation.

You and your partner use this type of emoji combo when you want to be a little more romantic than kissy face or heart eyes. Follow this text up with number 4 for good measure.
All images via author Alexia Conley 
Alexia Conley
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Founder of Wiley Events.
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