General Advice

9 of the Toughest Wedding Seating Arrangement Problems Solved 

While wedding planning is often a whirlwind of excitement, the challenge of crafting the perfect seating arrangements can leave even the most composed couple feeling overwhelmed. But fear not because we're here to rescue you from the headache of seating chart dilemmas by offering straightforward solutions to nine of the most common seating problems. So, take a deep breath, and let's ensure your guests find their perfect spot effortlessly.

You and your new spouse can’t decide who to sit with

As the couple of the hour, there can be a lot of pressure on your shoulders to decide where you sit and with whom. You may run the risk of upsetting close friends and family members with your choices and while some newlyweds may be okay with ruffling some feathers, that may not be the case for all. That's why the best decision is no decision! If you’re not psyched about the head table (with your wedding party) or a king’s table (with your parents), opt for a sweetheart table — just you and your other half! Honestly, you’ll barely spend any time sitting there anyway, so try not to stress about it too much. 

You’re not sure how to seat your stepparents

First things first: Don’t sit any parents at the head table unless you can fit them all, including stepparents. Second rule: Don’t separate spouses, even if your stepparent isn’t your favorite.
Whether or not you have a good relationship with your stepparent, your seating arrangements should still remain consistent and appropriately organized. Try to keep personal feelings aside when seating your parents and stepparents unless they request an alternative seating arrangement that works for you. 

Your friend might bring along an uninvited guest

As much as you'd like to hope that your wedding day headcount will remain accurate to the number you agreed upon, there's always a chance that a friend or family member will bring along an inviited guest. The last thing you want to worry about on your special day is accomodating an unexpected guest, and chances are you already know who is most likely to bring one along. To eliminate the possible headache, consider saving an empty seat at this guest’s table that way your wedding crasher won’t feel unwelcome, and if he or she doesn't show, the only thing you need to deal with is an extra chair! Oh, and be sure to bring extra place cards, and put a bridesmaid in charge of making last-minute cards for unexpected attendees.

Your parents do not get along

Traditionally, the couples’ parents are seated together at the same table, but in some cases, this is not always the best idea. Whether it's your parents who don't get along with each other or your parents not getting along with your spouse's parents, you'll want to adjust your seating arrangements to avoid any potential conflict. Go ahead and seat the disagreeing parties at separate tables, but make them equally close to the head table and with equally important relatives, so nobody feels left out.

A couple guests don’t know anybody else at the wedding

You're always going to want to ensure that your guests feel comfortable at your wedding. Some guests may know other attendees and some may not know anyone else aside from you and your spouse. While it’s nice to put people at a table where they know someone else, weddings are also a great place to mingle! and meet someone new! When it comes to seating unnatached guests, you can seat them all together at one table or seat your solo guests with a group you think they would get along with. 

You have a lot of tables, and you’re worried guests will have a hard time finding their seats

We’re huge fans of cute table names, but they’re not ideal for big weddings. Help your guests find their tables easily by assigning a number to each table and organizing them in a logical manner. You can have the smallest number nearest to the entryway or have the smallest numbers closest to where you and your spouse will be seated. Enlist the help of your vendors, wedding party, or ushers to help guests find their seats on the day of.

You have twelve friends coming your wedding but your tables only seat ten

Don’t leave two friends out from all the fun! Split a close group (whether it’s friends or family) into two groups, and pair them with another group that they’re bound to get along with, like your cousins. They’ll appreciate knowing some people at the table and getting to meet new folks. Then the whole group can reconvene on the dance floor! 

Your parents invited guests you don’t even know, and you have no clue where to seat them.

Unless you know your parents' friends as well as they do, you most likely aren't going to know where to seat them and with whom. In the event that you're left with several of your parents' guests and you're stumped on where to place them, you're going to need to simply ask for your parents’ help! If they invited them, they can make the seating decision. Plus, your parents will probably know who their friends will best get along with if they need to be split up. 

You’ve already changed the seating chart more times than you can count

Stop what you’re doing, take a breath, and leave it as is! If you’ve already put that much effort into the arrangement, your guests will probably have a great time. No wedding is perfect and no seating arrangement will be either. Do the best that you can and let it be. And at the end of the day, it’s just one meal — after all the eating and speaking is done, everyone will be on the dance floor anyway! 
As we wrap up our journey through nine common seating dilemmas and their elegant solutions, remember that your wedding day should be a celebration of your unique love and style, unburdened by logistical worries. To help make your seating arrangement organization a smoother process, check out our Guest List Manager tool which allows you to organize your guests beforehand. Once you’ve categorized your guests accordingly, it’ll be smooth sailing when you’re ready to choose their seats for the big day!
Nail Your Seating Arrangement By Organzing Your Guests BeforehandManage Your Guestlist
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