General Advice

10 Memes That Sum Up How You Feel When Your Partner Pops the Question

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We've all seen those picture-perfect proposal know the ones where everyone is dressed to the nines, smiles on cue, and says just the right thing at the right time? But we also understand that's not how things play out IRL. You're more likely to say "shut up" about ten times before you're ever able to muster up a "yes!" in the moment. Whether or not you're anticipating a proposal this holiday season, here are 10 possible reactions you'll have when your partner pops the question. Prepare yourself for what's to come and get your game face on.

Proposal Reactions That Have Us LOL'ing

1. The Ugly Cry: 2. The "I Knew It!": 3. The Straight Up Pass Out: 4. The "Shut Up": 5. The "I'm SO Surprised!": 6. The "Is This Really Happening?": 7. The Jumper: 8. The Screamer: 9. The "I'm SO Excited but I Hate All This Atteniton": 10. The "There Are NO WORDS": Get inspired by other engagement photos on! These Winter Proposals Are About to Make You Feel All Warm and Fuzzy How to Make Your Proposal a Family Affair  
Kayla Barr
About The Author
Writer and Storyteller.
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