General Advice
Everything You Need to Know About Heather Flowers for Your Wedding
26 Feb 2018 •0 min read
When it comes to choosing your wedding flowers, there's a lot to learn. Every Wednesday, we'll feature all you need to know about an in-season flower. From colors and care to costs and all sorts of wedding floral design inspiration, we're your "best bud."
Here is everything you need to know about the heather flower.
Flower name: Heather (Scientific name: Calluna vulgaris)
Season: Winter, spring
Colors available: White, pink, red, purple
How to Care For A Heather Flower This wildflower can be cut and placed in water just as any other flower. But be warned: the heather flower drops its buds easily, so you might leave a trail of buds in your wake.
Meaning of Heather Flower
The heather flower symbolizes good luck and admiration. It is also believed to have protective powers.
Average Wholesale Cost of Heather Flower:
If you are purchasing heather flowers whole sale, they will run you around $12 / bunch.

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