Wedding 101

A Can't-Miss Guide to Including Kids In Your Wedding Party

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Kids are undoubtedly a sweet addition to any wedding. After all, what's cuter than a petal-tossing flower girl or a tux-wearing ring bearer? But, wait... How do you get the little ones involved while making sure your big day goes off without a hitch? Well, we've got a few ideas that'll help keep you and the kiddos happy on your happiest day.
kids in wedding, flower girl Photo by Justin Clark
1. Consider the kids' ages. While many couples choose flower girls and ring bearers who are old enough to walk themselves down the aisle, don't despair if yours aren't quite past crawling. Consider asking one of the older children in your family to pull them in a flower-filled wagon, or have a parent help them totter down the aisle. Adorbs. 2. Prepare to be patient. Just like adults, kids can be pretty unpredictable. When the big day arrives they may be feeling shy, tired, or completely overwhelmed. So, don't put too much emphasis on their perfect performance. From tears to tumbles, the unexpected moments are often some of the sweetest and most memorable.
Sweet Flowergirl Inspiration, kids in your wedding, kids in wedding Photo by: Alana Aston Photography 
3. Assign each child a helper. Kids of all ages are likely to need a hand on the big day, especially the little ones. Be prepared for children to miss their cues, make mistakes, or need to take a break. Assigning each one a helper (like a parent or someone else they're close to) who can step in to assist is a good way to ensure your day stays on track. 4. Teach them all about weddings. It's likely that these children have never been to a wedding before, and the concept might be entirely foreign to them. Consider gifting them a book about being a flower girl or a ring bearer. Talk to them about their outfits, the cake, and how much fun they're going to have, and they'll feel way better about their role. 5. Keep parents close. Sit the child's parents where they can be seen during the ceremony or reserve a seat for the child right next to mom and dad. This will help the kids feel safe and secure. Make sure to show them exactly where their parents will be certain they feel supported. 6. Practice, practice, practice. You don't have to wait until the rehearsal dinner to get practice underway. Each time you see the kids before the wedding, have them mime throwing flower petals or carefully carrying a ring. Make a game of it, and play the game multiple times to help them feel at ease when the big day arrives. 7. Pack a change of clothes. For a lot of kids, the biggest problem with weddings is wearing a pair of scratchy tights or a fancy suit. Suggest that parents bring a change of more comfortable clothes for the reception. That way the kids can play, dance, eat and enjoy after their part is over. They deserve it, after all!
Kimberly Watson
About The Author
Senior copy editor at Razorfish.
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