Wedding 101

7 Things You Can Tell Your Partner that You Can't Tell Anyone Else

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Your partner is not just your other half in love, they're your other half in life. In many ways, the person you marry becomes your best friend — you two will be each other's confidants til death do you part. Even if you already have a BFF, your beloved may eventually become that one person you can really say anything to. Here are seven things you may find you can tell your partner that you just can't tell anyone else. 1. That you love your S.O.. Okay, sure, you tell other people that you love them — your parents, your sister, your dog. But when you say it to your partner, you're saying more than that you really care about him or her. You're saying that you're devoted to them, you want them. It's the deepest level of love you can possibly feel. And when you say those three little words to your beloved you're saying something you truly can't say to any other person. That you really don't like so-and-so's kid. Your partner won't judge you (or think you lack maternal or paternal instincts). And he or she probably doesn't exactly care for the little devil either. 2. That you need help plucking a random back hair. Sure, there are things that couples should probably keep from each other, you know, for the sake of romance. But, honestly, who is going to pluck your random hair or hard-to-reach zit? Your partner is. (And you will do the same in return, obviously.) 3. The true story behind the one thing you lie about to everyone else. Whether it's something that happened to you when you were younger, the real reason you left your last job or even your actual name (and age), your partner knows the truth. 4. A body oddity you just discovered and MUST show someone. So you realized that you can, at long last, make a sound of flatulence with your armpit or stick your whole fist in your mouth. Clearly, you have to share this discovery with another human who can vouch for its existence. Well, luckily your love is sitting right next to you! Hooray! 5. That you just want to stay home and veg out instead of being social tonight. You might text your BFF that you're feeling under the weather, or tell your coworker that you have a family thing to do. But you'll be able to come clean with your partner when you're really just not feeling the whole "going out" thing for no real reason at all. 6. Your Amazon Prime password Um, only the person you're committing to spend forever with is worthy of knowing something so precious. 7. That you may have fudged the truth about something at work and now you're screwed. If you get yourself into a sticky situation, you can bet that your partner will be there to help you through it and give you the best advice he or she can so you come out the other side unscathed (or at least with as few scars as possible). You're in this "life" thing together, after all! Inspired by This Downtown Engagement Shoot Browse some must-read tips on Loverly 10 Creative Summer Lovin’ Date Ideas 5 Relationship Problems You Can Actually Solve With Home Design 5 Reasons NOT to Compare Your Wedding to Other People’s Got a tough wedding question? Download the Loverly app to chat FREE with one of our virtual wedding planners and choose from affordable planning packages.
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