You've decided to get hitched in your dream destination, and it isn't exactly around the corner... If you're fearful that your guests haven't caught the travel bug, we've got eight tips to make your faraway wedding weekend an adventure everyone will love.

Offer assorted housing options.

Your parents may already know that they want a suite overlooking the sea, but perhaps your college buddies want to bunk together in a bungalow. Investigate the area around your wedding venue, and contact hotels, villas, Airbnb properties, and more, then present the best options to your guests. 

Organize group events.

Plan an excursion to a nearby historic site, and follow it up with lunch. Or, take everyone on an evening bike tour before dinner. These additional activities give everyone time to get to know each other, make new memories, and enjoy your dreamy destination. 

Give transportation details.

From the time guests arrive to the moment they depart, make sure they know their transportation options. Is it easiest to take a train or call a cab from the airport? How should they get to the reception? Give guests all of the details they need and consider providing transportation to make the trip easier on travelers. 

Express your gratitude.

Early and often! Destination weddings are a big commitment for everyone involved, and just by RSVPing "yes" your guests have shown how much you mean to them. Be sure to thank them as much as possible for sharing in your big day, because making the trek out to your destination wedding isn't easy, and it wouldn't be the same without them. 
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