
7 Relationship Resolutions NOT to Skip This New Years Eve

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It's time to start thinking about those New Year's resolution ideas. We've all made those vows to get more sleep, eat healthier, and go to the gym more often, but then February 1st rolls around and we forget about all those little promises we made. So why not focus on what really matters this year and pledge to work with your partner to make your relationship the best it can be? Here are 7 resolutions you will definitely want to make for your relationship in 2018, whether you're just dating, recently engaged or happily married.

1Make more time for each other

Life can really get in the way sometimes. Between work, sleep, and social activities, it's easy to get lost in our own to-do lists. So this year, make your partner more of a priority. Designate one day a week for date night, spice things up in the bedroom, and take time to just be together. A little one-on-one time will really help you feel more connected to each other. And, don't forget the power of those three little words (I love you).

2Have more fun together

All work and no play makes for a very boring relationship. Yes, we know the laundry needs to be done and the lawn needs to be mowed, but you don't need to check off your chores EVERY weekend. Take time to just relax and have fun. Go to the movies, go mini-golfing, try a new restaurant, find a new hiking trail. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure you take time to really is the best medicine!

3Embrace each other's families

There's no rule that says you have to love your in-laws just because you love each other. If your relationship with your in-laws is a little rocky, that's totally normal, but do your best to accept your partner's family for who they are. And yes, that means taking the bad with the good. So try to keep your negative opinions to yourself more often in 2018, and just live and let live. Do you really like your in-laws? Then try to spend more time with them in the new year. Offer to spend a long weekend at your partner's parents' place or organize a girl's trip to the spa with your mother and sister-in-law.

4Encourage one another to be healthier

Whether you pledge to eat more mindfully, sweat once a day or take a mental health break every so often, focus on becoming a more well-balanced person in the new year. Sign up for a SoulCycle class together, connect your Fitbits or take up hot yoga together. You know what they say...the couple that sweats together stays together! Also consider taking a couple's cooking class to learn some new tricks for the kitchen so you can whip up delicious, healthy dinners together after work.

5Be present in your relationship

It can be challenging to stay in the moment, especially if you've been together for years. But it's important to make the commitment to focus on matters more often in order to build a better relationship. Actually, listen when your partner tells you about his/her day. Leave the phone at home when you go out to dinner. Turn off the TV before bed and just talk. Compromise when necessary to show that you understand your partner's needs. These focused moments really do mean a whole lot.

6Find happiness outside of your relationship 

All too often, happy couples get comfortable relying solely on each other for everything. But it's important to remember that getting support from someone outside of your relationship is actually really good for you. Look to friends, family members, even co-workers for career advice, emotional support, and stress relief (venting is GOOD for you). Maintaining a solid social life will actually strengthen your relationship. Understand that your partner will always be there for you but he/she doesn't need to be the ONLY one there for you.

7Pay attention to the little things

While big presents and grand gestures are nice (and very welcome in any relationship), sometimes it's the little things that really make us feel loved and appreciated. Commit to doing random acts of kindness for one another throughout the year, whether that's giving your partner a foot massage after dinner, letting him/her watch that guilty pleasure TV show you can't stand or picking up flowers on your way home from work. These small, thoughtful gifts let your partner know you've been listening...and that you really care.

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