
4 Ways to Get Healthier for Your Wedding

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When it comes to pre-wedding healthy habits, we hope you’re doing things that will make you feel your best, not just look your best. Here are three ways to ensure you feel great (and totally glow!) when you walk down the aisle.

Get enough sleep.

Sleep is such an important part of feeling healthy and happy, and regularly skipping sleep so you can do one more search for wedding favors or finish DIY projects is just not worth it. So shut the computer, turn off your phone, and get to bed on time! Not getting enough sleep in the months leading up to your wedding will leave you feeling rundown and increase the chances that you'll come down with something right before your big day. We're pretty sure you don't want to walk down the aisle hopped up on cold medicine, so get your shut-eye now.

Find a way to de-stress...and actually do it.

From balancing a budget to keeping your future in-laws happy, wedding planning is not for the faint of heart. To stay sane as you plan your wedding, find a way to de-stress and make it part of your daily or weekly routine. Whether it's walking your dog, going to Zumba, or catching up on episodes of Scandal, giving yourself a breather regularly will give you the emotional space you need to be happy and relaxed on your big day.

Make sure you're eating enough healthy stuff.

Too many brides still go on extreme diets before their weddings, something that is bad for you physically and emotionally. Not eating enough healthy stuff will leave you feeling listless, cranky, and overemotional...and who wants to be betrothed to her? Additionally, extreme dieting can have an adverse effect on your looks; not getting enough fat and protein in your diet can make your hair, skin, and nails dull, dry, and prone to breaking and flaking. Who cares if you fit into your dress if your face and hair is looking like Night of the Living Dead? It's OK to skip dessert here and there, but don't start cutting into the nutrients you need to stay -- and look -- healthy.

Get a little sunshine.

While we don't recommend hitting the tanning salon to prepare for your wedding (melanoma makes that whole "til death do us part" thing feel a little too real), getting outside and getting some sun can do wonders for your health. So get away from your desk and your gadgets regularly and get some fresh air. The vitamin D boost will help you stay strong and healthy as your wedding approaches. It's so easy to focus on how you want to look on your wedding day and forget about how you'll feel! What are you doing to get healthy for your wedding? 
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