
10 Creative Summer Lovin' Date Ideas

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We're big believers in taking advantage of the gorgeous summer weather for romantic adventures.  The long days and sunny skies are the perfect time to cultivate our relationships and grow closer to our S.O. Here are a few of our favorite creative summer date ideas to squeeze in before September comes around because after all, the time and effort spent reconnecting and trying something new together will always be well worth it! baseball-game-date, creative summer date ideas Photo by Six Foot Photography via Southern Weddings  

1Cheer at a baseball game.

Even if you’re not a huge sports fan, heading to the ball park for hot dogs, cold drinks, and quality time is a nostalgic and fun way to spend a summer evening. Bonus: many minor league teams across the country host themed days (like bring your dog to the ballpark day!) or set off fireworks after certain games, so check your local team’s website before planning your date!

2Pick up fresh produce at the farmer’s market.

No matter where you live, there’s bound to be a farmer’s market within driving distance this time of year! Arrive early to score the best goods, and then head home to whip up a healthy lunch with your purchases.

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Photo by Jeff Crain via Southern Weddings

3Get out on the water. 

Most beaches, rivers, and lakes offer some sort of watersport rental. From fishing boats to kayaks to swan boats, you’re sure to find something that fits your preferred pace and budget!

4Stroll through a local park or botanical garden. 

Pick a day that’s not too hot and head out in search of the best blooms in town. Not only will you squeeze in a little bit of exercise, we also find that some of our best conversations take place during leisurely walks.

Photo by Annabeth Kierspe via Southern Weddings


5Dine al fresco. 

Hit up a downtown restaurant with outdoor seating, or pack a picnic to bring to a favorite park. Food always seems to taste better outside, and being in the fresh air reminds us to slow down and enjoy some sweet conversation instead of rushing off to the next thing.

6Tap your toes to some live music. 

Look up your favorite local musicians’ schedules, or simply head to a random festival to see what new faves you might discover. Bonus points if you check out a genre of music you don’t usually listen to (how about jazz, bluegrass, or classical?).

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Photo by Graham Terhune via Southern Weddings

7Get in touch with your inner child. 

Set up a sprinkler, blow up a beach ball, or chase down the ice cream truck together! Conversations about your favorite summer childhood memories can inspire some of the most memorable date nights.

8Take a mini road trip. 

For a day that’s low on cost but high on adventure, hop in the car and head to a town or attraction within an hour or two of where you live. You don’t have to go far in order to have a totally new experience together, and you may even discover a new favorite weekend getaway spot.

crossfit-date, creative summer date ideas
Photo by Katie Nesbitt via Southern Weddings


9Try a new sport. 

If one of you is a pro at golf/tennis/etc. and the other has never tried, now is the time! (Just remember to keep things light-hearted and fun rather than competitive – this date is all about “points for trying!”) Another option is to try a class/sport neither of you has ever done before – whether you end up laughing together over your lack of kickboxing coordination, or you discover a brand new hobby, it’s a win-win.

10Upgrade movie night.

Instead of crashing on the couch for the next show in your Netflix queue, build a fort in your living room and cuddle up with a laptop, or set up a sheet and a projector to watch a movie outside. Even better: see if your city hosts outdoor movie nights, and simply pack up a picnic blanket and a few snacks for a relaxing date night out.

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