
6 Rules for Making DIY Favors

Do you have a vision for your wedding favors? Does that dream involve making the favors yourself? We’re all for DIY favors — it can save money and put a personal touch on your wedding — but only if you’re really prepared for the work. To save yourself time, money, and lots of late nights, follow these rules before starting your DIY project.
 1. The smaller, the better. 
Some live by the rule of “bigger is always better,” but when it comes to favors (or any big day DIY project), we live by the adage “good things come in small packages." Keeping things small and simple will make compiling, decorating, and transporting the favors much, much easier. Plus, guests often don’t want elaborate gifts anyway — something small but meaningful will be much more appreciated. 
2. Work well in advance.
 As you get closer to the wedding day, you’ll have a lot on your plate. You don’t want to have to add “Package favors” or, even worse, “Buy supplies for favors” to that already jam-packed list. Instead, make this one of the to-dos that gets crossed of this list early — you’ll be relieved come the month of your "I dos." 
3. Don’t pick a perishable food gift. 
We’re all for edible favors — but not edible DIY favors. As we mentioned, working far in advance is crucial, and most of the time, that’s just not possible with food favors. If you’re dead set on an edible favor, either don’t make it a DIY project or choose non-perishables like candy bars. 
4. Buy in bulk. 
Craft stores are great when you need one small supply — like a set of chalkboard markers or one container of glitter. But when you need a large amount of something – we’re talking 150 mini mason jars – you’ll save big by buying in bulk. Just be sure to place the order online early, so you’ll still have plenty of time to do the actual crafting. 
5. Minimize the details. 
Your ideal favor package may involve the item packaged in a mason jar with a cute phrase written on top, wrapped with confetti in cellophane, and topped off with some chic ribbon and a tag with your monogram. Stop right there. Every little detail adds one or more steps, which can add up in time and money. Keep the details simple: maybe just the favor in the mason jar. Frankly, your guests likely won’t appreciate the details as much as you do. 
6. Don’t try to go it alone. 
Especially if you have a fairly large guest list, managing hundreds of favors will drive you crazy after a while. Instead, enlist help. Plan a favor-making date night with your spouse-to-be — make it more of date night and less of a chore with the promise of alone time at the end of the night. Or, ask for the help of your wedding party and have a favor-making session with an efficient assembly line. Just be sure to provide fun jams, a few drinks, and lots of snacks to keep the crew happy. 
Kristin Doherty
About The Author
Writer and Content Strategist. 
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