Customize your own event checklist with due dates, personal reminders, and timelines for all your wedding to do’s.
 Your mailbox is overflowing with fancy invitations, you've racked up enough frequent flyer miles to see the world, and you've purchased more KitchenAid attachments than you can possibly count (plus, the premium six dollar gift wrapping...). Yes, it's wedding attending season, and it's just getting started! Unfortunately, we can't book that hotel room for you or pick you up from the train station, but we've got a handy list of six guest-tested and guest-approved ways to get through every single wedding on your calendar.
1. Slather on the sunscreen and bug spray.
An evening rehearsal dinner down by the lake? An outdoor ceremony at 2:00 pm in the afternoon? Steer clear of pesky bugs and a serious burn by slathering on the bug repellant and sunscreen. If you're using a spray, put it on before you get dressed to avoid staining your wedding wear.
2. Don't forget the deodorant. 
If the summer heat doesn't get ya, the dance floor certainly will. Dab on some deodorant right before heading to the ceremony, or toss a travel-size antiperspirant in your purse for re-application before the reception. These Refresh Cooling Cloths will do the trick on a seriously sweltering day, too. 
3. Stash a snack. 
Wondering where the passed hors d'oeuvres are during cocktail hour? Don't get stuck three cocktails deep with no food in sight. Bring along a protein bar or a few handfuls of almonds to hold you over until the main meal. And don't forget to wash it down with plenty of water. 
4. Bring on the Band-Aids. 
Breaking in a new pair of pumps or rocking those dress shoes that have been sitting in the back of your closet? Stash some Band-Aids in your purse or pocket in case your feet start to hurt, or go for the proactive approach and slap the Band-Aids pre-party to prevent future pain. You can also try a Blister Block Stick (which can even be applied around your neck when that starched collar starts to rub you the wrong way). 
5. Break out your best Beyoncé moves. 
Start getting your Zumba on at the neighborhood gym or blast a little Bey while you let loose in your living room, so you can dominate the dance floor. Not exactly a pro? Master a classic move like the running man or the cabbage patch, so you'll have something to show if you get thrown into one of those high-pressure dance circles.
6. Pack some Pedialyte. 
It ain't just for kids anymore. Pack a couple of Pedialyte Powder Packs, mix with water, and chug post-reception or first thing in the morning. It's the hangover cure wedding guests have been waiting for.
Kellee Khalil
About The Author
Kellee Khalil is the Founder & CEO of Loverly. She lives in upstate NY with her fiancé and two dogs.
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