
7 Easy Ways to Wear Heels Without Pain on Your Wedding Day

Let’s face it—you’re getting married and you’re probably going to spend your entire wedding day (and bridal shower and bachelorette party) in high heels. It’s what we do. But unless you're some sort of stiletto-wearing superhero or have splurged on the world's most comfortable Jimmy Choos (and, even still, we're skeptical), wearing high heels for any event is a total chore. But wearing those wedding heels doesn't have to be SO bad. Here are a few hacks that will ease your pain...

1. Make sure your heels actually fit.

This is the most important rule: Don’t buy wedding shoes unless they fit you perfectly. Just don’t! If your shoes are already too snug, you’re only asking for pain after an hour or two — or maybe less. And then you’re not only going to ache, chances are you’ll end up with a painful blister and will then fantasize about crawling around for the rest of the day — because even changing into flats is painful when you have a gnarly blister.

2. Protect your feet before you put on those wedding heels.

Make protecting your tootsies a part of your wedding morning plan. This can mean placing bandaids in blister-prone areas, or using sprays like PreHeels to create an anti-friction barrier. Identity your heel issues beforehand so you know how to tackle them before you head down the aisle.

3. Stand up straight.

Did you know your posture has a lot to do with how hard you are on your feet? If you have good posture and engage your core, you’ll feel less pain on your tootsies and walk more confidently to boot. Plus, you’ll look far better in your wedding pictures if you’re standing up straight. If you feel like you have a tendency to lean forward and crane your neck while wearing heels, practice leaning back a little to compensate.

4. Take small steps and walk slowly.

Life isn’t a race — especially down the aisle while you’re wearing your wedding heels. It’s your day and walking slower just means more pictures. Take your time, breathe, and don’t sprint anywhere in your dress.

5. Break your new shoes in.

Your feet will seriously thank you if you stretch them out a tad before you go tear up the dance floor at your wedding. There are a bunch of different ways to do this, ranging from bringing them to your local cobbler to putting on a chunky pair of socks, slipping on said heels, and using a blowdryer to stretch out the places that are too tight.

6. Take it easy.

Unless you’re Carrie Bradshaw, don’t set out to cross the Brooklyn Bridge in heels on your wedding day. You’re just asking for it! Instead, know your heels limit and plan accordingly. Another good rule is to sit down every 20 minutes to take the literal weight off your feet. And maybe this way you’ll actually enjoy the wedding food you paid for.

7. Bring a pair of flats with you.

Give your Maid of Honor the most important job: securing your flats. Wear the killer heels for all of the early photo ops, but by the time you hit the dance floor, it’s totally fine to change into flats. You’ll be able to really let loose with your BFFs and your feet will thank you.
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