
So, You're Thinking of Pulling a Prank on Your Partner

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April 1st is a time for your inner prankster to come out. No matter what age you are, today is an excuse to act silly, have fun, and laugh! Are you thinking of pulling a prank on your partner today? Remember that some things that seem real funny in your head may not go over so well IRL. Here are a few prank scenarios to consider and understand what counts as funny and what might be going too far.

The Prank: Saying you forgot about your grandmother’s surprise 90th party and you both need to go. 

Rating: Funny 
Why: First of all, let’s face it—your guy probably doesn’t jump for joy when he has to accompany you to any sort of family function. Especially when it’s Nana’s 90th. If this is a newer relationship (and he hasn’t met the ‘rents), this is pretty fear-inducing. He’ll probably want to run away at first (especially if you’ve only been dating say, 2 weeks) but then will realize how chill and funny you are once you “APRIL FOOLS!” him. Just be sure to do this in person or on the phone—because if it’s via text, you simply might not even get a response. 

The Prank: Breaking up with your S.O. 

Rating: Too Far 
Why: Does this one really need an explanation? Fake-breaking up with someone just isn’t funny. This is supposed to be fun and games, not stress and ruining someone’s entire day. We’re not in middle school here, people. 

The Prank: Asking him if you can spice up your sex life with a threesome with one of his best buds. 

Rating: Funny 
Why: Ok, let’s be honest here. If the roles were reversed and he asked you for a threesome with your bestie, that probably wouldn’t go over so well. But if you mention this to him and use, say, his most appalling, annoying friend that he knows you don’t like, he’s bound to not believe you. It will take some persuading and keeping a straight face on your end, but as soon as you finally convince him you’re being serious, that’s when you have the prank hook, line, and sinker. Just please, don’t use this prank by asking to have a threesome with his hot friend. Then this might just get awkward. 

The Prank: Shaving off his hair/eyebrows/beard in his sleep. 

Rating: Too Far 
Why: Well, this one is kind of a lose-lose situation. Do you really want to look at your guy with missing eyebrows, a horrible haircut or hack job on his face? Ok, maybe you really aren’t into beards. But obviously he has grown it because he likes it and it makes him feel better about himself. (Personally, shaving off a beard would never be funny to me — losing a good beard is a travesty!) But really, are you a teenage boy? C’mon, no razors or electrical devices need to be brought into your prank. 

The Prank: Slipping a laxative into his pre-workout drink. 

Rating: Too Far 
Why: A part of me wants to say this would be funny. Imagining the sweat dripping down his temple as he tries to hold in some gas while at the squat rack is just a pretty hilarious image. But in reality, this could be bad for his health. And it’ll definitely prevent you from gettin’ any tonight. Save the laxatives for when they’re actually necessary (which is hopefully never). 

The Prank: Putting tape/a rubber band on the sink faucet sprayer. 

Rating: Funny 
Why: This is one of the oldest ones in the book, but it never gets old. Make sure to do this soon before he gets home so that you don’t forget the sprayer is locked and loaded and accidentally spray yourself with water. Make sure to lure him into the kitchen for conversation so that he will have to turn the sink on. Maybe even politely ask if he can wash your glass for you. Make sure you are in a no splash zone as he approaches the sink, and prepare to laugh your asses off as water splashes all over him. Hey, you can follow him into the bedroom while he gets changed afterwards, too. 
Kellee Khalil
About The Author
Kellee Khalil is the Founder & CEO of Loverly. She lives in upstate NY with her fiancé and two dogs.
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