
How to Stop Wedding Day Sweat - Yeah, We Said It!

Warm weather is on its way, and if you're a lucky bride-to-be, so is your big day! But what happens when warm weather and weddings don't mix? We've got 7 tips and tricks to beat the heat, and look as cool as a cucumber when you walk down the aisle. 
1. Anti-perspirant.
Duh. If you’ve been a deodorant-only girl for most of your life, consider adopting a new under-arm regimen. While deodorant is definitely helpful, in warmer weather anti-perspirant will help you stay fresh AND dry, which is absolutely crucial when wearing a white wedding dress on a summer day.
2. Wait til the last minute.
To get dressed that is. If the air is feeling soupy, putting on a heavily structured wedding dress might just make you feel 10 or 20 degrees hotter. Apply your makeup, fix your hair, and relax in a silk robe until you absolutely have to put the dress on. This way, you will look fresh as a daisy as you walk down the aisle.
3. Have a backup plan.
With makeup. While you’ve had it professionally applied and you’re looking as glamorous as ever, make sure one your bridesmaids (or your makeup artist if they’ve stuck around) is carrying an arsenal of a few of your favorite beauty products. Touch-ups can be necessary in any climate, but they’re definitely needed when heat and humidity are at their highest.
4. Stock up on tissues and wet towels.
Along with your back up of makeup supplies, consider stocking up on tissues and wet towels. While they’re helpful for drying those happy tears, they’re also the perfect tool to use when your summer glow is transforming into more of a glisten…
5. Assign a bridesmaid to be on shine-alert.
Your bridesmaids will be by your side at the alter, on the dance floor, and while you’re posing for pictures. Pick the friend who will always tell you when there’s food in your teeth, and ask her to be on shine-alert. When you start to sweat, she’ll be there to tell you honestly, and help you get back to looking your best.
6. Ask the venue for help. 
Churches, hotels, and other venues often have fans for either indoor or outdoor use. If the forecast looks particularly hot, consider plugging a few of them in to keep you and your guests cool. Alternatively, if you know well in advance that your wedding is going to be a scorcher – stock up on hand held paper fans. Colorful, or in neutral shades, these can be a beautiful and functional accent to the ceremony.
7. Embrace the shade.
For those times when you don’t need to find your perfect light – embrace the shade! While waiting to take pictures, or in anticipation of your grand entrance – take comfort in the shade of a nearby tree or indoors. Another option is to provide clear, or light-colored umbrellas for both you and your guests. Taking a time out in the shade will help you look and feel your best and brightest. 
Kimberly Watson
About The Author
Senior copy editor at Razorfish.
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