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Let’s face it. Our homes are personal. So, chances are high that when you and your S.O. finally decide to live together, you’ll both have items from your previous places that you’re equally attached to. Deciding what stays, what goes, and what gets shoved into the closet can be tricky (and touchy, too...). But don’t worry because it’s possible to have the best of both worlds! Navigating The Move In 
1. Don't sweat the small stuff
What most couples care about is making sure they can achieve a cohesively designed space in a personal way. We all want a place that is “pulled together” so that we can feel satisfied in our homes. Disagreements and conflict typically occur in the decision making process around the small details. What we suggest is to begin the decorating process by talking about how you want each room to make you feel and to speak in more general terms first. This way, you’ll set the tone and an overall goal that you can both refer to later. 
2. Don't be too quick to label yourself
Recognize that each of you will likely have different definitions of what a “contemporary,” or “traditional” style really means. Instead of labeling yourself from the get go, begin by searching for inspirational images and consider what it is about those rooms that draws you to them. Look for inspiration,  to help you visually express your style rather than fumbling over words that don’t quite convey your true leanings. By communicating visually, you might just come to realize that you have more in common than you think! 
3. Keep each other organized
 Good design means making intentional decisions about your future lifestyle in your home. When you venture into sharing your space with someone else, it’s all the more considerate to think about how you can keep certain items stowed away. This step can be vital in avoiding passive-aggressive behaviors down the road. 
4. Keep an open mind
Life isn’t black and white and neither is interior design. Stay open minded and be creative in how you use your items and apply color schemes. For example, teal might be your favorite color, but it doesn’t mean that it is your S.O.'s. The two of you may not be able to agree on a teal colored wall in the living room, but chances are much higher that you will be able to agree on some smaller teal colored items. 
5. Shop together
Even if both of you are bringing a majority of the items with you from previous homes, it’s a good idea to consider going shopping together. This can be a lot of fun and a nice “bonding” experience. Shopping for a few key pieces doesn’t have to be expensive and it doesn’t have to be time consuming either! 
6. Visualize your space
Ok, so maybe you’re only capable of drawing stick figures. No hard feelings, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. But visualizing your space before you commit to any design plans is the best way to unite two decision-makers with a common vision for a shared space. 7. Make more space Moving in together means that you are likely are going to have double the furniture, clothes, sports equipment, random cookware, etc in half the space! Avoid fights with your significant other by setting up a flexible storage unit so you can store seasonal items and any other non-essentials.   
About The Author
Kellee Khalil is the Founder & CEO of Loverly. She lives in upstate NY with her fiancé and two dogs.
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