
6 Ways To Tackle Spring Cleaning With Your S.O. This Year

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Are your spring cleaning to-dos piling up? Team up with your partner to conquer them quickly and efficiently. Here are six hacks for accomplishing all of your home "honey-dos" with your partner this season.
1. Divide and conquer. Divvy up the projects so you and your S.O. each have jobs to complete. If you split the work in half, the process will go so much faster. 2. Work together on daunting tasks. Some projects just require a team effort! When you and your sweetie work together, you'll be able to check it off in no time. 3. Reward yourselves for getting rid of stuff. For every bag of clothes or other items you donate, reward yourselves with a date night. Depending on how much stuff you donate, you'll have a whole bunch of date nights to look forward to. 4. Make a killer cleaning playlist. Listening to great music while you work will help the time pass quickly. 5. Turn cleaning into a game. For each small task you accomplish, you must give your partner a kiss. For the big tasks, you and your bae can treat yourselves to something more. (Wink, wink!) 6. Give yourselves a goal to work towards. Plan a party at your house to give you a reason to clean up. Set the date and you're sure to finish your to dos by the big event. Feature image by EpicStockMedia/BigStock. See the latest on Loverly: Eight Date Nights That Require You to Get Your Hands Dirty 21 Epic Engagement Photo Ideas 20 Oh-So-Romantic Love Quotes
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