
Stop What You're Doing and Look at This Pizza Wedding Cake

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If a traditional wedding cake isn't for you, and a cheese cake feels too fussy...well, meet your perfect wedding cake.
pizza wedding cake Photo by Elaine Mclaren

The Pizza Wedding Cake Trend

According to the blog Staggered, who first shared these images, the "cake" is actually a (brilliant!) PR move from Domino's Pizza in the UK. According to the pizza cake's press release, "The ‘pizza cake’ created by the nation’s favorite pizza delivery company is the ultimate dish for romantic pizza-lovers. A delicious stack of mouth-watering Domino’s pizzas styled in a wedding 'cake' stack featuring all four pizza sizes means the happy couple’s ‘cake’ will still feature the all important tiers and they will still be able to cut a slice for the cameras." Is it outrageous? Totally. But would it be perfect for a bachelor party or for a late-night snack for your wedding guests? Um, definitely! It's bordering on being a wedding cake fail, but we dig it. A Domino's in the United States needs to get on this ASAP!
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