
How to Have More Sex When You're Stuck in a Relationship Rut

Whether you just recently tied the knot or you've been married for years, your sex life is going to have its ups and downs. And that's completely don't panic if you're doing it less now than you were six years or even six months ago. Unless your relationship has recently gone through a major traumatic experience (infidelity, for example) or there's a medical issue standing in your way (like temporary physical pain or a medication that reduces your sex drive), things in the bedroom will heat up again in no time. If you're looking for a few tips and tricks to ramp things up beneath the sheets, read on for five fun and flirty suggestions.
horoscope date night
Photo via Unsplash
1. Try something new. Doing something novel with your spouse can definitely help you get out of a rut — and that's a good thing for your sex life. Try an activity you've never done before — whether it's sexy, like a couples' massage class, or pure fun, such as a surfing lesson or a horseback-riding adventure — then head home to bring all that exciting energy into the bedroom. You never know what might come from that newfound spirit of positions, new games, even new locales.
2. Work out together. Exercise not only gives you energy and releases endorphins (which makes you happy), it's great for your sex life! Studies have consistently shown that people who work out regularly feel more aroused and have sex more frequently than those who only exercise every so often. Doing something physical together, such as dancing, biking or hiking, will give you a sexual boost...and also give you an excuse to hop in the shower together when you get home. 3. Recap your sexiest rendezvous. When you're bogged down by work, school, and family obligations, your conversations with your love can start to take an unsexy turn. While we know you have to make time to discuss real-life issues with your spouse, it will benefit your sex life to pause for a moment and change course: think back on a sexy rendezvous you had earlier in your relationship and start describing it (in detail!) to your partner. It will boost your mood and transport you to a more carefree moment in your lives.
have more sex, relationship rut Photo by Allef Vinicius
4. Talk things out. Talking about why you're not having sex may seem like the least sexy thing to do, but trust us, getting past those stumbling blocks is crucial for a healthy, romantic relationship. If you're irritated because your partner doesn't contribute enough around the house, or because you don't feel like your goals are being respected, that's going to impact your libido. Clearing the air will help rebuild trust and passion in your relationship. 5. Do whatever it takes to make time for sex. When life gets in the way of regular sex, you may just need to make a little time for each other. Find a way to clear your schedule for an hour or two and be alone with your spouse. Play hooky for an afternoon and get a hotel room, hire a babysitter for the night, put sex on the calendar so you can look forward to it or be late for work one morning. Force your schedule to work for your relationship. You deserve it!

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