
How Find a Ceremony Reading That Actually Means Something to You

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Kinda feel like you hear the same readings at every single wedding ceremony? Sure, there's something to be said for traditional go-tos, but there's also something extra sweet about personalized selections. Readings that really represent you as a couple are so much more meaningful and memorable than overused ones.
When you’re searching for these ceremony readings, remember that your wedding ceremony doesn’t have to be serious the whole time! Don’t rule out a movie or book you love just because it’s full of one-liners. Since finding the perfect reading isn't easy, we're listing a few places to start your search!  

1. Novels You Love

Whether your favorite novel is Jane Eyre or The Fault in Our Stars, you won't have a hard time finding beautifully written declarations of love in classic and modern literature. And, hey, it's a good excuse to re-read a book you love!

2. Your Favorite Movie

If you two have a go-to rom-com for movie nights, look no further! Almost all romance movies have sweet (albeit occasionally cheesy) monologues of love — they’re basically begging to be used in wedding ceremonies.

3. A Poet That Speaks To You

Can’t get enough Robert Frost or Emily Dickinson? Love poems are beautiful additions to any wedding ceremony, so search for your favorite poet’s love poems. One of them is bound to touch you.

4. The TV Show You Binge Together

Did you two bond over episodes ofScandalorHow I Met Your Mother? An Olivia Pope love quote or one of Ted Mosby’s many professions of love can be an out-of-the-box yet meaningful reading and a glimpse into your relationship.

5. Your Favorite Songs

When you really think about it, songs are just poems — so why not read them at your ceremony? But you might want to do a bit of editing to make a song poetic enough to read (removing “oohs” and “yeah yeah yeahs” is allowed).

6. A Play Or Musical You Saw Together

Most stage productions have a love story entwined in the plot — and with that comes great scenes and songs all about love. Comb through the scripts of the ones you love or have seen together for sayings that speak to your heart.
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