
What to Eat and Drink on Your Wedding Day and What to Avoid

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Steer clear of: 

Ok, you don't have to skip your morning fix altogether, but don't go overboard. Caffeine is a stimulant, which can make you nervous, jittery, and irritable. Coffee can also induce sweating – the last thing you want once you put that dress on. 
Artificial sweeteners.
 Found in diet sodas and sugar free chewing gum (and quite possibly in whatever you're adding to your morning cup of joe), most artificial sweeteners are indigestible. Translation? Bloating and discomfort. Things you definitely want to avoid on your wedding day. 
Another culprit in the war on bloating, many adults are surprised to find that they are unable to digest the proteins found in dairy. Play it safe by opting for soy, almond, or coconut milk in your morning cereal.
You might want skip that celebratory morning mimosa... In addition to brining on bloat, booze can weaken your digestive system and upset your stomach. Hold out until the big toast! 

Serve em up:

It may seem counterintuitive, but being properly hydrated actually prevents your body from retaining excess water. Drinking your recommended daily intake will have you feeling light and alert, and get you that gorgeous glow. 
Starting your day off with protein is a great way to avoid feeling hungry and to have the energy to dance the night away. Try scrambled eggs with veggies or an egg-white omelet. Carb-heavy breakfast options can have you crashing from a sugar-high mid-morning. 
Put down the morning bagel and pick-up a bowl of oatmeal. With a slow, steady release of glucose into your system, this hearty option will keep you from experiencing the sugar crash of more refined options. 
If you woke up with puffy eyes or a fuller face than usual, try adding some lemon to your water. A natural diuretic, it will help you to shed any excess water and will have you looking your best in no time! 
About The Author
Senior copy editor at Razorfish.
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